What does F.I.T.N.E.S.S. stand for?
“F” stands for functional intensity training (FIT). This is a combination of cardio and weight training. You receive a more well-rounded approach to exercise when you incorporate both.
“I” stands for intense. You have to be intense about exercise if you truly want to succeed. Without it, you are going to quickly lose your motivation.
“T” stands for try. You need to try new things. If you stick to the same old routine or the same old exercises, you will get bored. Be adventurous. Here are some ideas to help you out: yoga, circuit training, swimming, Zumba, and running. The choices are really endless.
“N” stands for nurture. Nurture your whole self. Fitness should encompass every area of your life—physically, emotionally and spiritually. It should be about more than just exercise. Nurture yourself by getting good sleep, making healthy choices with food, getting regular checkups at the doctor, reducing stress, forgiving and anything else that can boost your energy and make life more enjoyable.
“E” stands for energy. That is what you will get when you take the time to exercise each day. You will have more energy to tackle whatever is before you and meet the needs of those who depend on you. If you feel like you don’t have the energy to get started, press through and I promise that you will be rewarded with the very thing you lack.
“S” stands for sacrifice. You might have to sacrifice some things in order to exercise. Get up earlier, reduce your television viewing or get off the computer. Whatever is stopping you from getting the physical activity you need, take steps to eliminate it.
“S” also stands for selfish. If there is one area in your life where you need to be selfish it is with your health. Put your health before anything else.
What does fitness stand for? It stands for life…a longer, more enjoyable one.
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